behavior onHover on mouseenter from me set productToShow to @data-product of .name in me then set @src of #{productToShow} to @data-src of #{productToShow} then add .visible to #{productToShow} end on mouseleave from me set productToShow to @data-product of .name in me then remove .visible from #{productToShow} end end behavior openProductDrawer on click from me add .invisible to #waves then add .invisible to #products-container then add .product-drawer-visible to #product-drawer then add .invisible to header then set productDiv to .name in me then set $productToShow to @data-product of productDiv then add .selected to .{$productToShow} then add .visible-forever to #{$productToShow} then wait 0.6s then add .visible to #mini-logo end behavior closeProductDrawer on click from me remove .invisible from #waves then remove .product-drawer-visible from #product-drawer then remove .visible-forever from #{$productToShow} then remove .visible from #mini-logo then wait 0.3s then remove .invisible from header then remove .invisible from #products-container then remove .selected from .{$productToShow} end